
The greatest night swim in the world.


How to buy torches

What would a nightswim be without torches?

Very dark?

Get yourself a single-use torch! You’ll commonly find different kinds of torches around Basel. Most of them are ok and burn the required 30 – 40 minutes. They consist of a paper or wood handle and a waxed cloth as shown in the picture. They cost a few franks and you get them in many regular shops (Migros, Manor, Coop, OBI, Marktkauf). Here a few examples and our recommendations:

Paper (cardboard) handle torch.Good torch with wooden handle.

Waxy solid cylindrical torch. Candle-like torch

Paper handle wax cloth: good (but handle can get soggy)



Wooden handle wax cloth: good



Phoenix torch (all wax): good


Funny candle torch: not suited, don’t buy!


You might find torches of different look and flavours. Most often its quite obvious whether they might be suitable for swimming in a river or not. If it looks somewhat funny, forget it. Remember, you have to be able to swim with it in one hand (and have a glass of wine in the other).

Remember: Every participant of the nightswim has to have a torch!

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By randy
On July 30, 2008
At 6:20 pm
Comments : 0

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